Bangalore, May 31, 2023: A month long media training course came to a close with the Certificate Ceremony presided over by Archbishop Peter Machado and Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara at Paalana Bhavana, Bangalore. There were 12 participants who attended this course and they came from different parts of India. The training was jointly organized by the Department of CCBI Media Apostolate and Archdiocesan Communications Center of Bangalore Archdiocese.

Speaking at the Certificate Ceremony Bangalore Prelate Archbishop Peter Machado said, “Today there are three important aspects in the field of communication. Media, Message and the Messenger. We must always look for what is necessary and useful amidst what we call ‘media garbage’ today." the Prelate said. He also thanked Fr. Cyril Victor for organizing the media training program and all the resources persons.

Addressing the gathering, the CCBI Secretary General Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara, in his opening note, wished Archbishop Machado on this auspicious day. Making reference to the day's feast, Dr. Alathara said that today is the Feast of Visitation which is a best example of communication as Mother Mary communicated Jesus's message to Elizabeth. "When you're involved in Media, my advice to you is that be passionate 24/7. You must understand that there's no holiday for media persons. You don't know what information comes when. You just need to be vigilant and passionate. That's the key”, he said.

Rev. Dr. Cyril Victor Joseph, Director of Archdiocesan Communication Centre (ACC) welcomed the dignitaries for the program. He also conveyed wishes on behalf of the gathering to Archbishop Peter Machado who celebrates the 5th Anniversary on this day of his Installation as the Metropolitan Archbishop of Bangalore.

The participants who took part in a month-long media training presented their AV projects as they shared their experiences. Archbishop Peter Machado and Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara distributed the certificates to the participants.

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