Bangalore, August 26, 2023: The CCBI Media Apostolate carried out a 4 day Media training for the 40 deacons of St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute and the training was organized at AVE Studios, Paalanaa Bhavana, in collaboration with Archdiocesan Communications Center. The training was part of the pastoral course as a diploma course for the deacons who are at their last stage of their seminary formation. The course took place from August 23- 26.

The course had a variety of topics such as Modern Christian Apologetics: being an effective evangelizer in & through the Media, Identifying resources for effective media ministry, Media habits in the daily life of priests and religious, Integrating Media in Liturgy, Digital Media Mission, Design Thinking, Principles of Civil Communication and Public relations as a strategic intelligence for the 21st century - Developing action plans. The deacons also had practical training sessions both in audio and video related individual exercises.

The deacons were inspired and motivated in order to effectively take up the Media Ministry in order to bring Jesus to all those people whom they would meet in their priestly ministry. They are geared up to adventure into the Media Apostolate and take up media activism in order to be creative media content creators to attract as many young people as possible to Christ. They were also challenged to build their personal branding, institutional branding.






Deacon.A.Walter of the Thanjavur Diocese (Student representative) speaking about the course said, "This course sharpened our ideas to run along with the world and to catch the fish as jesus did earlier. In the time had gone by there was no print or electronic media to be used for publicity. In the contemporary world of high-tech media every religious and spiritual organization and institution seeks and takes the help of media coverage to spread their thoughts for the good will. Media communication, media management and public relation are helpful in their activities and thoughts to do spiritual work."

"Facing the camera was quite interesting, and it helped us to know how we stand, use gestures and postures. It also helped us to overcome our fear of facing the camera and the digital forum”, said Deacon Sanjay juvanes from the Diocese of Chikmagalur.

The deacons belong to the different dioceses of the regions of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and North India along with few brothers who belonged to the Servites, Claretians and the Redemptorist religious congregations. CCBI Media Apostolate gratefully acknowledges the support of SIGNIS through which media trainings are made possible to different groups of people.

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