Bengaluru, January 26, 2023: Archdiocesan Communication Centre (ACC), in collaboration with the CCBI Commission for Media Apostolate, organized a one-day media workshop at Paalanaa Bhavana on January 26, 2023.

A number of youngsters from various parishes of the Archdiocese and a few nuns comprising novices from different religious congregations actively participated in the workshop. Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bangalore, inaugurated the workshop and spoke to the participants about the significance of media courses.

He said, “Specializing oneself with various skills is always a benefit for the personal growth as well as the of the parish or community that they represented. The act of communication is so integral to every person as everything boils down to the act of communicating even through eyes and gestures. Effective Communication is always possible through so many forms including music, fine arts, and dance.”.






The Prelate greeted the participants individually and encouraged them to make the best use of such opportunities. He also gave the example of Pope Francis as the best communicator in the world as his message comes from the heart.

The resource persons for the workshop were Dr. Thomas D’souza, Dr. Juby Thomas, Rev. Dr. Cyril Victor Joseph, and Msgr. S. Jayanathan.

The participants were given a certificate of participation at the end of the workshop.

The Participants were taught journalism skills, writing skills, the process of reporting and reporting in the digital age, and communication skills.

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