Report by Fr Cyprian Kullu.

A training program was conducted for the youth of Majhatoli parish Gumla Diocese Bijhan Region on the topic: “MEDIA POWER plus YOUTH POWER “. 245 youth actively participated and profited from the program.

The program began with the Eucharistic celebration conducted by the youth themselves, along with the main celebrant Fr. Cyprian Kullu two more priests Fr. Augustus Ekka, the diocesan youth director, and Fr. Sandeep Kindo, the local parish youth director offered the H. Mass for the intention of the youth. The main celebrant Fr. Cyprian Kullu for the gospel reading took the passage of “Rich Young Man” and preached on it. He said that the Rich Young of the Gospel comes to Jesus searching for eternal life and Jesus looks at him lovingly because the young man was not only rich but also looking for truth and life. Fr. Cyprian told the youth that they are also rich may not be in terms of money and gold. Still, surely, they are rich in terms of talents, mental, physical, talents, in terms of rich heritage, rich culture, and traditions, in terms Catholic religion one of the best religions in the world, in terms of time and opportunities, Jesus loves you as he loved the young man of the gospel. Jesus expects that you use this richness of yours for the betterment of society and the church. Fr. Cyprian quoted the words of Pope St. John Paul II who began the World Youth Day celebration to be celebrated globally. Pope Says “When I see today’s youth, I see Tomorrow’s church.” Fr. told the youth that they are the future church, they are the reflection of tomorrow’s society.

The whole session was conducted by three resource persons:1-Fr. Cyprian Kullu,2-Mrs Rose Kujur,3-Fr. Augustus Ekka.

Fr. Cyprian Kullu threw light on the history of communication, he said how media developed in the course of history beginning with pictorial and jester communication to oral communication then next step script communication followed by print communication then electronic communication, satellite communication and today reached the climax of digital, internet and social communication. He put before the ten powers of media and ten powers of youth as the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses.

Ten powers of Media:
1 Power of information
2 Power of Education
3 Power of entertainment
4- Power of sales and business
5 Power of forming public opinion
6 Power of Creativity
7 Power of relationship
8- Power of Success
9 Power of Omnipresence

10 Power of Preserving cultural ethos and values

Ten powers of Youth:
1 Growing physical power
2 Growing mental power
3 Growing invincible willpower
4 Youth power of skills and talents
5 Power of time and opportunity
6 Rich natural resources
7 Power of dreams and future potencies
8 Power of Rich cultural ethos and traditions
9 Power of Christian religion youth are practicing and family values
10 Power of unity of youths

Fr. Cyprian explain these two categories of powers and told the youth that if these powers are combined together, they will become mighty power and with this mighty power any type of evil power can be defeated and gained success. So, youth should know these powers and utilize them for the betterment of the society and church.

Mrs. Rose Kujur threw light on the topic “Family and Media “she said that there are always two sides to a picture-positive and negative, Family should use all positives of media and avoid all negatives of media in the family context.

Fr. Augustus Ekka diocesan youth director explained different youth organizations at different levels: World youth organization, National organization, Regional and Diocesan youth, etc., and told that all youth should take part in these organizations, by this lot of knowledge and exposure can be gained by participating.

The whole program was conducted applying different methods: lecture method, PowerPoint, workshop group division -group sharing, reporting, question-answer, enacting, etc. The program concluded with a shot Evaluation of the program. All participants appreciated the program.















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