If you are Interested to join Signis, please contact:
Signis India Secretary: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Extracts from the Signis India Constitution on Membership to Signis India


SIGNIS INDIA is the Indian Chapter of SIGNIS WORLD. It is recognized by the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of India (CBCI). It has twelve Regions, as delineated by the CBCI Membership with voting right in SIGNIS INDIA is of¬fered at the following two levels:

5.1.1. Membership at the Regional Level is open to Catholic lay women and men who are educated or en¬gaged in any field of Social communications independ¬ently or in a Church or secular institution within the region; Individual priests - religious or diocesan, brothers and sisters engaged in or having an expertise or education in a field of Social Communications; Diocesan commissions and centres for Social Commu¬nications within the region; Religious communication institutions within the region, functioning at local or provincial level; Regional Commission and Centre for Social Communications; A Unit comprising at least 10 members belonging to the same field of Social Communications. There may be more than one Unit in a specific field in a Region; Communication departments of Catholic colleges.

5.1.2. Membership at the National Level is open to Catholic Institutions, Organizations and Associations that are set up primarily with the purpose of working at the national level and are registered as a society with their own institutional statutes and by-laws, governing and executive bodies. At least 50 % of their activities must have a national character; One representative of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, nominated by the CBCI Commission for Social Communications. .

5.2. A Region is the geographical area recognized as such by the Catholic Bishops'
Conference of India.


6.1. Applicants for Regional Membership
6.1.1. Shall address their application to the Regional President at least three months before the Regional Assembly sup¬ported by the recommendation of two active Regional Members and of the Bishop of the place where they are.
6.1.2. Applications for membership will be screened by the Regional Secretary – Treasurer and presented to the Regional Assembly which will confer membership
through a secret ballot and the decision will be notified to the National Office by the Regional Secretary-Treasurer.
6.1.3. An absolute majority of the members present is required to admit new members.
6.1.4. An active member is entitled to recommend a maximum of two applications in a year.

6.2. Applicants for National Membership
6.2.1. Shall address their application to the National President of SIGNIS INDIA at least three months before the National General Assembly or the National Executive Committee (in the year when the National General Assembly is not held) meets supported by the recommendation of two active National Members and of the Bishop of the place where they are located;
6.2.2. Applications for membership will be screened by the National Secretary - Treasurer and presented to the National General Assembly (or the National Executive Committee in the year when the National General Assembly is not held) which will confer membership through a secret ballot. However, in the year when only the Executive Committee meets, the membership conferred by it is pro¬visional; it will be ratified by the next National General Assembly;

6.2.3. An absolute majority of the members present is required to admit new Members;
6.2.4. An active member is entitled to recommend a maximum of two applications in a year.

If you are Interested to join Signis, please contact:
Signis India Secretary: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Click here to download SIGNIS INDIA Membership Application (Word Format)

Click here to download SIGNIS INDIA Membership Application (PDF Format)