During this lock down, NISCORT Media College is offering the following online courses via zoom app. This certificate course will include online classes, one-on-one interaction, assignments and will also provide study materials to the participants. Limited seats are available. Hurry up to ensure your seat!!!

(11-23 May, 2020)

1) Screenplay Writing. Resource person: Anish Arjunan
Course Content: Developing a story idea, screenwriting techniques, plot development, dialogues, structure and scene construction.

2) Basics of Photography. Resource person: Jenith Sekar
Course Content: Importance of photography, shots and angles, framing and composition, perspectives, colour theory and colour scheme, lighting, mobile photography, understanding DSLR and understanding aperture, shutter speed, ISO.

3) News Writing and Reporting. Resource person: Sumit Dhanraj
Course Content: writing and editing news, reporting of an event, different formats of writing (article, feature, letter to the editor, interviews).

Course Duration: 12 Hrs (18 Sessions) from 11-23 May, 2020
No. of Seats: 20 per course
Course Fee: Rs. 2500/- per course

For registration kindly, pay the full amount to the below given account.

Account Name: NISCORT
Bank: South Indian Bank,
Branch: Indirapuram Branch
A/C No. 0556053000002266
IFSE Code: SIBL0000556, Branch Code: 000556

For more details and registration, kindly contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Number: 9650071642


--Dr. Jose Murickan, Director-NISCORT


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Sandesha Foundation for Culture and Education,
Premnagar, Bajjodi,
Mangalore - 575 005